FAQs about the fair


  • When does INTERMODELLBAU take place?

    INTERMODELLBAU will take place from Thursday, April 18 to Sunday, April 21, 2024.

  • Where does INTERMODELLBAU take place?

    INTERMODELLBAU is held in the exhibition halls of Messe Dortmund GmbH. Its address is Rheinlanddamm 200, 44139 Dortmund.

  • How many visitors does INTERMODELLBAU have?

    About 60,000 visitors experienced INTERMODELLBAU in the Dortmund exhibition halls, every fifth of them came from abroad. Thus, INTERMODELLBAU presents itself annually in the style of a leading trade fair.

  • Who is INTERMODELLBAU intended for?

    INTERMODELLBAU inspires all age groups. Small children are fascinated to experience the usually huge ships or airplanes up close and to be able to hold them in their hands.

    Also friends of remote controlled vehicles or simply those interested in technology get new impressions and insights into the world of controlled machines and miniature landscapes.

    into the world of controlled machines and miniature landscapes.

  • Where can I park?

    There are several parking spaces available around the trade fair center. Directly at the North Entrance of Messe Dortmund, you can park in the A3 and A4 parking lots in the immediate vicinity.

    Messe Dortmund has 9,000 parking spaces for cars and buses.

    A further 6,000 parking spaces are located around the grounds, from which the trade fair can be reached quickly and easily on foot.

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